Assalamuaikum my dear readers and my dearself,
Here I am again, as usual baru nak buka blog. I ain't got time yalls. sis busy. Before I start cerita panjang, I have some technical difficulties on sign in my blog ! hahahaha. I totally forgot on my password sebab for this blog I use my old email. Email yang lama ni je I guna untuk blog. For my youtube account and others I used my daily email. Boleh katakan satu jam juga la nak figure out on the password. Lepas I dah dapat on balik, I terus letak kat reminder ! so that if I nak buka blog ni lagi I won't having this kind of difficulties lagi dah. hehehehhe. As usual, silly old me. always being clumsy ! Oh ! oh ! lupa nak cakap !! I dah start intern. hehehehe. Alhamdulillah, dengan izin Allah I dapat tempat intern dengan smoothly and company yang bagus. I love my job here ! alright dearies let's bercerita ! hehehehe.
So..... for the pass few weeks before intern, I had insomnia. It's not because I selalu tidur lewat. No.. I'm not the type of person yang akan tidur lambat. I nama je umur 22 tapi my sleeping time is so budak sekolah. Baik cuti ke, ada kelas ke, kerja ke. Sama je rutin tidur I kecuali pada waktu exam baru I jadi burung hantu. Reason started insomnia since the day that I had the weirdest dream. I tak nak fikir sangat because its just a dream but today, I saje je nak bercerita.
What weird dream? well I dream about this lady, not old neither young, with her whole family, which I don't even know them. But this lady yang menyerlah la in this dream. So I don't know apa yang this lady ni cakap kat I BUT ! I tiba2 cakap " aku tak nak benda tu, mana bentu tu? aku nak buang sekarang" I keep on repeating the same thing on what I said while I'm screaming then that lady ketawa macam hantu ( mengilai) punya style. It's scares me. Then tiba2 in that dream macam kembali normal but this time, this lady sorang je ada dalam mimpi ( still dalam mimpi yang sama ye). She said the same thing ( tapi I tak tahu apa) then me, again repeating my dialog and before I bangun from my dream, I sempat baca ayat kursi. Then I bangun I dah berpeluh. I'm so scared at that time. But luckily in that dream, I tak terima. Biasanya kalau mimpi macam tu ada makna sikit. Reminder ! if you guys have that kind of dream, ingat ! jangan terima ye. We never know. I did told my family about this, incase something happen. Alhamdulillah till now nothing happen. ( may nothing happen forever). May Allah always protect me from harm.
Since that dream, for 2 weeks ! every 3 or 4 am I will woke up from my sleep. Mimpi hantu or I tiba2 kena kejut like that. Kinda stress, sebab when I nak tido balik, lepas 2 jam baru I boleh tidur. Within that 2 weeks, I haven't get enough sleep. My mood so swing. Lifeless pun ada sebab in the day I sleep while night I berjaga. This one night tiba2 I rasa I need to sleep pakai socks.. that night I sleep till the next morning. Alhamdulillah. Since then, I sleep pakai socks je sekarang.
Alhamdulillah until now I sleep well. No more insomnia. Thank you ya Allah. Dengan harapan I will not get that kind of dream again. Amin ! orait guys, till here only my bebelan. Thank you for patiently reading my blog since the day 1 I create this blog. Assalamualaikum and take care !
Love ,
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